Because life doesn't have to be so hard.

  • Discover the dream for this season of life you're in

  • Design the life you were made for

  • Develop a mindset and skill set to make it a reality

  • Do it all with a group of other women to share the journey

Group Mastermind with

Dr. Eve Rosno & January Donovan

starting soon!

What makes this mastermind different?

Mindset & Skillset!

We believe in empowering women by equipping you with MINDSET and SKILL SET training you need to design every part of your life. You don’t have to compromise parts of who you are.

We teach you how to fill your cup in EVERY part of your life so you can give, serve, and positively impact the world from the overflow - not a place of depletion. You'll develop the blueprint to find your path, find your peace, and be the best you.

Learn more about The Woman School

Women are struggling to keep up

Today's world places unreasonable demands on women. We're asked to do it all - perfectly and without asking for help.

Women are depleted, exhausted, stressed, and wondering if this is all there is. We haven't been trained to live this fast-paced, 24/7 life.

The Woman School can help

16 On-Demand Lessons with January Donovan to help you uncover the dream for the season of life you're in and design a plan to make it reality.

You'll learn to manage your mind and develop new skills.

Personal coaching and accountability make the lessons stick. You'll have meetings every other week with Dr. Eve and a group of other women on the same journey.

You don't have to compromise

Create a blueprint and design a life that is whole, honoring the fullness of who you were created to be.

It is time to invest in your personal peace, joy, and freedom and begin rebuilding a culture of whole women.

Change for generations to come can start with you!

About Dr. Eve

Certified Wholeness Strategist and Licensed Psychologist

She has a passion for helping women uncover what's holding them back and start moving forward. She brings her years of experience as a psychologist to the coaching table to share strategies, teach skills, and encourage women to progress towards a life of wholeness.

Dr. Eve is also a wife of 16 years and a mother of 4, so she knows well the challenges that women face in today's world.

About January

Founder of The Woman School

She is a wife and mother of 8 and has been coaching women for over 2 decades. January is a master at teaching women to develop the mindset, skillet, and strategies to live their life by design rather than by default.

She was encouraged to begin sharing her wisdom and experience more widely which led to the creation of The Woman School. The program has quickly grown to reach thousands of women in over 40 countries.

What other women are saying

Kari Ann B.

It taught me how to be the mother I had always wanted to be, but just couldn't quite figure out before. It taught me intentionality and how to have a peaceful mindset amidst motherhood and busy days. This masterclass gave me the freedom to be more myself than ever before!"

Yashi C.

The Masterclass helped me learn how to dream again, manage anxiety and develop healthier habits that I can now teach my daughter!

Catherine M.

I now have such peace and a consistent routine every day since January 1, 2021, and my HUSBAND is so grateful for the changes in me!It makes me a MUCH better wife and mama of four!

What Are You Waiting For?

Schedule A Free Dream Session to help you have greater vision and clarity and learn more about

The Woman School

What Are You Waiting For?

Schedule A Free Dream Session to help you have greater vision and clarity and learn more about

The Woman School

© 2023 Dr. Eve Rosno | All rights reserved